08 February 2008

whoa i have songs?

because of the heartbreak trauma, i thought all i had was heartbreak-trauma-songs, but i don't.

i have other songs, that I hadn't even remembered.

"the horror" -- tribute to randall prentiss jones, who departed this vale of tears. really i suppose i should call it "the horrah, the horrah". I suppose only like 30 people would possibly know why that's funny and I only speak to 1 of those semi-regularly (and email to like 2 or 3 others).1

"when medussa saw your heart" -- i had to throw away "the day i loved medussa" and canibalized it into "your faithful serpent" and this song. I really can't deal with "your faithful serpent" right now.

"my favorite architect" -- just came out of nowhere, really.

gotta get a mic and put this tambourine to work.

1 My old english lit teacher in high school. The world is a sadder, less sardonic and dumber place without him in it. Your life is unspeakably shoddier and the worse for not having had him in your life for even the briefest of moments. Gruff and quick, gayer than a treeful of parrots, silver-haired and willing to surprise a classroom of 17-year-olds with "What the fuck is wrong with you people?", he made us read Conrad's "Heart of Darkness", and tried to impress on us the gothic horror Marlow felt going into the jungle to see Kurtz.

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