12 February 2009


This blog is moving to http://yukbon.com
Stalkers, update your bookmarks.

07 February 2009

i have no title and i must post

So. Phlebotomy came back: drink more water. Otherwise I am healthy as a horse.

Been listening to lots of Jeff Buckley lately and playing some on guitar or at least I was until....

The daddy thing. It's still something I'm having a hard time believing. I mean it's like the polar opposite of when a bad sudden thing happens -- like when there's a car crash or someone dies or your true love breaks your heart and you cannot believe it -- I'm still having a hard time wrapping my head around it. Today the Mrs needed a bit of a break so I took her side of the bed next to the crib and let her rest and I still look over and play with his nose and the forehead while he sleeps and coos and twitters and it's slowly sinking in that I am the cause of and responsible for a tiny little life. It is awesome and brutal.

22 January 2009


This birthing business is so horrifying, there are not words.

Sent from my mobile device


21 January 2009

only now do i remember it clear

First things first: the new Decemberists' single is fucking awesome. Go click that, they will give you the mp3 for free. Which is good, because rakes are broke.

Second things second: this pregnancy thing is harrowing. I've gone from stone sleep to dressed and going WHAT in 2 seconds flat. So far no baby yet.

3rd things next: so I'm at the hospital at like fucking ungodly-a.m. or whatever, and the world turns so daylight happens and here comes the inaugural and holy fuck we have a black president. and fucking hell, he's smart, and capable, and maybe, just maybe, the whole country isn't going into ruin right this fucking second. Cleolinda Jones said something about holding your breath and being horrified that the last 8 years have been something that the people of the country actually wanted and how horrifyingly terrible the idea of that has been, and honestly I've still been holding my breath, worried that it might not happen, that something would fuck up before President-elect Obama became President Obama. My standards are not high: anyone who won't be a craven whore, intent on just using the flag to whip his flaccid dick all over the constitution and the ideals of what this country should be would be a great improvement.

12 January 2009

recent song titles

the fish that got away
thrush to go
god knows, xxxxx
the bad man's prayer

i'm still writing 'the fish that got away'.