31 December 2006

27 heaven

Yeah, kurt/burt sang in a raspy bluesy voice, which hey, I like Tom Waits, I can't knock a raspy voice, but that wasn't kurt's modus operandi. jimi rapping? no. jim and janis rapping together? again, no, please god no. And the whole "sly" references to the musicians' work -- the jim character singing about "the snake" instead of a lizard, jimi playing a harpocaster (technical aside, if you're going to have a jimi character, do try to tell your guitarist to try to play stylistically -- even if your point is to transcend idol worship or whatever, jimi's sound is his sound for a fucking reason; even if his point is that you need your own sound, he's not going to throw his own away. It's not like you can anyway.)

Otherwise, not so bad. Good company (heretofore referred to as "The Good Witch") made it bareable, though I wish I'd had wine. If only I hadn't been driving. As a gesture, Tai-tai came through in spades, she's a fucking gem of a person.

Also, although I've always been into really disparate sounds, low low low basses and high trebles, playing The Good Witch's guitar with the missing strings really drove that home and made me think about re-fingering chords differently. In standard tuning it was hard to tie both the bass and the high strings, but maybe in vestapol or open G tuning it'd work better. I really must try this. It sounded kinda like a banjo and I had totally forgotten how much fun a nylon string guitar can be, even if they sound like shit with a slide.

and I know I won't shut up about 'em, but there's a video for "Sing" by the Dresden Dolls:

19 December 2006

xiu xiu

"Loneliness isn't being alone, it's when someone loves you/ And you don't have it in you to love them back." Xiu Xiu, "The Wig Master"

Except I couldn't find a video or other streaming for "The Wig Master", so you get other Xiu Xiu. They're a bit emo and melodramatic, but they do have a streak of cheap comedy in 'em, as evidenced by this interview with Pitchfork:

Pitchfork: Are you currently dating anyone?

Xiu Xiu: I am the mayor of shyberg when it comes to the first move. It's a wonder I've ever dated anyone. I am so single. Please give my number to anyone you know.

Xiu Xiu: Boy Soprano, probably my most recent favourite.

Xiu Xiu: Muppet Face

Xiu Xiu: Clowne Towne (live)

04 December 2006

Back at the ranch

The quick and dirty version: dad might lose a kidney, loneliness is my new best friend, sunny's leaving, i am writing songs much easier than before but am weirdly having problems with lyrics now, naples was boring but calming, mills is back in my life which is cool, i have new friends that are kind and loving and surprising, thanksgiving sucked but i have a lot to be thankful for. I wanted to go to Alabama w/ Dad & Miriam but the prospect of a 12-hour drive with them did not fill me with a burning desire to go. I still have to write that industrial song for Xristophr ("she'll bring you down to your face" quote unquote).

This week's postsecret includes a bit about meeting people anonymously by going to the movies alone with a white hat. The idea that you might meet, if not a familiar stranger, but someone who is emotionally analogous to a familiar stranger is neat.

I got weirdly emotional and forgiving and sappy during the holidays, but I wound up just going to sleep instead of making phone calls that will lead to nothing but grief and heartache.

Shell smashed, juices flowing. Don't get sentimental, it always ends up drivel:

One day, I am going to grow wings, a chemical reaction.

And last night, Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me:

Take me anywhere, i don't care, i don't care

A ukelele rendition of "There Is A Light That Never Goes Out"

So unbelievably pretty that I can't say anything more.