AZIZ! LIGHT! "When the guy who played quiet, introspective Nino Quincampoix starts shrieking “GIMME DA CASHHHHHHHHH,” it’s an odd, yet kickass moment." executive summar of fifth element: B+. The message is heavyhanded, but the symbolism is nice, and the medium (particularly the use of the absurd) is beautiful. Worth noting that it's all from the comic -- Gary Oldman didn't just choose to be a nutjob; that's the fucking part.

I need to find a reputable tat place. At BestBuy of all places, I found the new Sunn O))) and Boris disc. No drives under 100$ or smaller than 120GB though. Which sucks.
dug through old poetry books, found old bits of myself and other people. i remember reading a song lyric to an old band and them laughing at a line "beat beat freak cheat you beat yourself again boy" because they thought it was a j/o reference, but really I was just counting off Nelly's boyfriends.
Chicken's peck after the moz show was kinda depressing; it really drove home how not in that arena I am. I made a wise choice not moving in w/ her. Oh God, the dramabiotics necessary would have killed us both.
I cannot stop playing "Speedway". It's such a pretty song.
1 comment:
I love the multi-location dialog aspect. It flows so well in the movie. Also, the fact that Korben and Zorg never meet is delicious.
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