15 July 2007

as i live and breathe you have killed me

best Saturday ever? in the last 24 hours, I have:
  • played a show with olde friendes (see previous entry)
  • seen the new harry potter movie (shut up)
  • gotten drunk dialed by saltdog again at 4 in the afternoon, who hung up on me while telling his girl "hey you wanna have hogwarts sex? i got my magic wand..."
  • gone to a morrissey show with laura squirt; despite getting lost (twice) and the long ass drive it was so fucking worth it. They played "please please please let me get what i want" and "the boy with the thorn in his side" and "girlfriend in a coma". also, it was like a guitar-porn orgy up there: gretsch's, tele's (fat and classic), hollowbodies, a firebird (during "how soon is now?"), some custom strat-style thing with a hole in the headstock (maybe alternate tuning system? boz boorer beat the fuck out of it. heard two new songs "all you need is me" and "that's how people grow up" which were great and had a lot of really dry humor.
  • speaking of the show, i walked in and stood in the aisle for like 2 seconds and got a slap on the arm: it was nelly and savina (and savina's Mr, first i meet him) who I haven't seen in forever and ever (literally: savi now has 2 kids and last i saw her she was preggers with the first. who is now 7 years old. nelly is still crazy. loveable, sweet, still hunched over and a lot more tattoo'd, but crazy as fuck.)
  • long phone convo and plans to hang tomorrow with litltrublgrl
Best part of the moz show: everyone, absolutely everyone in the audience singing along to "girlfriend in a coma". A sense of maybe not unity but a general "yeah we're all here and having fun". Of course, 30 minutes later the boorish drunks started getting annoying...

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