Since Mills is going to go to TN soonish, I like hanging out with her before that happens. She likes the key lime pie at the dive bar, chez b's, so that's where we go. honestly the pie's just kind of OK. I prefer key lime to be a bit fluffier, but whatever. So haven't seen Mills in shit like two weeks and we made plans to meet there for dinner, rocking out the chicken strips and pie. She tell me about her divorce BS, I tell her mine, she tells me her job quitting thing, I tell her mine, and et viola, the actress' ghost comes in. I am fine after a few, and Mills, bless her heart, offers to be mean to her for me. I'm still counting on karma to do it for me, so I hold that back. After a while my faithful serpent's sullen look bores me and I'm laughing with Mills again. After we settle up, as we're leaving, I go past the store and there's Tai-tai & Dutch w/ the kid who is literally shit-you-not The Cutest Fucking Baby Ever. Got that angry pink sheen from her momma. I want to tell my faithful serpent how pretty the baby is and how sad it is that they're not friends anymore, but I don't think she'd see it as a comment but an attack. So the safer, more polite course of action takes precedence and just say nothing. I hope her karma doesn't fuck her up too bad; there's a good person under all that acting, somewhere. Stace thinks I'm a chump. She's right. A chump and a soft touch. Not on that matter. I'm just sad about it. It's like...I can't even describe it. It's like every bad thing you've ever thought about yourself is shown to you, in personally painful and graphic detail, to be absolutely true. Think about every moment you've been down or doubtful about yourself.
Yeah, like that.
After a quick discussion vis-a-vis breastfeeding and leaky breasts, we all dip since Avery's gettin' hungry and Stace ain't gonna whip 'em out right then and there. Tai-tai says Mills and I should have a kid. We've discussed it but let's see how that TN thing works out, eh? Also, I wanna see how the Little Trouble Girl thing pans out. She got hammered and drunk dialed me last night, very cute, very funny. 2nd drunk dial in recent memory.
Work gets slowly more hostile as I ride out my last days since I gave notice; very strange -- since the jax guys hanging around more even they have commented how I appear to be persona non grata. Also, we recieved a bomb threat today. Warning email was very vague and
not followed up, it's like our communications office is trying to incite panic. In some ways I'm kind of torn about leaving, cos now with the net TRIPLING in size, that's fucking exciting to contemplate -- a whole redesign from scratch on a net that's fucking huge, shit there are smaller cities! And yet, I know I'm doing the right thing. I need to get out of my comfort zone, even if it means Windows and a smaller network.
Made another Moz mix for the car while at the 'rents fixing their computard, maybe post that later.