19 May 2007

"Be faithful to that which exists within yourself."

i have the best friends in the whole world. i wish i could really tell them how much i love them. tai-tai's all kinds of back to normal more or less after the kid. kinda hiding how happy and giddy she is, she's so loving mommy-hood. dutchie's gonna be a moron for daddy's little girl, it's so funny. sun's all whoa between law school and the new boy. sterling is so much harder to read, and fuck knows i'm so bad at that anyway, but she's got this devil-may-care attitude about everything that's kind of surprising because she never struck me as the kind of person to be so laissez-fare (i want to spell that faire but firefox says no, it's "fare". whatever.) about life. H comes & goes. Mill's is rushing headlong into romance and tennessee but is so much better with this guy that it's all i can do not to cheer her on. mel's getting married tomorrow (well, the party, anyway, she's been hitched for a while). he's such a good kid and she needs that.

tai-tai and sun saved my life, and i don't really know how to put that into words. tai-tai's never really needed any help, except her relationshit stuff and that was all minor-league stuff or the baby's bed and that was just a money thing so pfft. sun's weather freak-outs are kinda silly to me but i know what it's like to wig out over shit no-one else feels, so i can't do anything except try to talk her away from the wigging-out. i'm just about all angry-song'd out, maybe i could write them something nice. i wonder whatever happened to that drywall i painted and snapped into rough trypic-pieces held together with yellow nylon rope.

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