Their People Like Us collection is great as well, including the hard-to-find-even-when-it-came-out People Like Us album "Hate People Like Us" which is basically a bunch of folks covering PLU songs. PLU is a one-(wo)man-band, run by Vicki Bennett who has turned PLU into a sound-collage assault that's very....unique. People Like Us' Hate People Like Us has songs by (and this is just my personal 'oh that's cool' list) Christoph Heeman (HNAS, Mirror,) Negativland, Coil, Death In June, Cyclobe, Dr. P Li Khan, Stock Hausen and Walkman. I love Coil's "An apology" wherein Balance calls to apologize for being so late with the mix they had promised Vicki.
Photo of Vicki Bennett from the website.
But moving right along, ubuweb's even got Zappa reading from Burrough's "Naked Lunch" (the talking asshole section, if you're familiar).
Interviews (and the music of) Marcel DuChamp (yes, THAT Marcel DuChamp), Patti Smith reading stuff for Jim Morrison, Max Ernst, Burroughs, Gysin, Ginsberg, Abbie Hoffman (preparing gefilte fish of all things.)
more on the sexes later, as well as momus, and maybe hip hop
Interviews (and the music of) Marcel DuChamp (yes, THAT Marcel DuChamp), Patti Smith reading stuff for Jim Morrison, Max Ernst, Burroughs, Gysin, Ginsberg, Abbie Hoffman (preparing gefilte fish of all things.)
more on the sexes later, as well as momus, and maybe hip hop
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