Big Black's "Kerosene", live. Steve Albini, one of the most antagonistic and principled people in the music business. Check the credits in your record collection, I bet you've got something he's producedrecorded.
My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult's "A Daisy Chain 4 Satan", live. I recently found the MLWTTKK website again and now it's got PDF's of the lyrics. Whoa, I've been singing this song wrong for ~10 years now. I like my version better, even if the only lyric I could make out was, in fact, wrong. (I keep singing "dream war" instead of "dream why").
2nd performance at the whauses; didn't actually play guitar but did live video while bunny ran off to drink beer and whatever else and dj ipod dropped aphex and autechre next to nicole mixing in wicked shit with the chaos pad. nel and her boyfriend showed up; this one is normal-ish and apparently not bad for her. which is a refreshing change. saw solo, life's been rough lately looks like, but he's still hanging on. motherfucker escaped his country on horseback, so playa can take the hits i guess. i kept getting "who's got the happy bag" cos the little green bag was next to me and i didn't even know it. dude standing next to me going "whoa" and giggling in a disturbing way for like 15 minutes while i faded the video in and out and fluttered the nature footage.
i am in my bedroom, fooling w/ a guitar -- it's an 8 string fretless bass with a jelly body that only flexes when i want it to, weighs nothing and is impossible to tune. someone joins me and i am in a music store, and we bullshit and i leave and outside it's like an office bldg downtown or miami dade and a rocket goes off and then i driving on a highway -- elevated, like a bridge -- my viewpoint goes from 3rd person to 1st as i zoom into myself and i am driving with an older woman; attractive, tall, slender but not thin. we are flirting but driving on our way to stop a missle or rocket. we see one take off from the water, and then i am on a cliff but there's a waterfall and a sort of setup where people can ride carts perpendicular to the fall and if they get to the edge without toppling they win -- a sort of contest. first couple sink immediately, the 3rd dude starts to make it but has no traction in the water -- no weight in the back to keep the paddles in the water -- and when he finally sorts that out, winds up shooting right over the fall. the 4th dude makes it to the edge and speeds off and whoa i am him now except now it's a car (shitty pseudo sporty car) and i am driving down roads with a lot of very S. FL. undergrowth encroaching -- palms etc -- and i get to a light and i see lisbert talking to a blond girl looks like priscilla but i want to call her jessica and yet is neither, and lis is telling this girl how to be a flirt and i drive off and as i drive the path behind me changes so that if i turn around (with great difficulty at an intersection -- fucking trucks!) the way is not what it had been. eventually there's a place where the path is submerged and i am riding a tricycle like abuela gypsi's but lucky it's not deep water -- to the ankle at most -- except something scratches or bites my right ankle as i'm about 4/5ths of the way out and as i stop on solid land i wake.
i am in a huge hosue -- many floors, rooms, almost an apt bldg or office bldg -- and organizing a tribute or compilation album and sonic youth is there, and lee ranaldo was being a total dick to me, second guessing my every choice on the record; "why are you doing it like this? what's wrong with that?" etc etc. amusing because i don't think i've ever even heard the man speak. lots of things happened -- friends showed up etc -- but nothing really bad or sad. i wake confused.
olds: AZIZ! LIGHT! "When the guy who played quiet, introspective Nino Quincampoix starts shrieking “GIMME DA CASHHHHHHHHH,” it’s an odd, yet kickass moment." executive summar of fifth element: B+. The message is heavyhanded, but the symbolism is nice, and the medium (particularly the use of the absurd) is beautiful. Worth noting that it's all from the comic -- Gary Oldman didn't just choose to be a nutjob; that's the fucking part.
I need to find a reputable tat place. At BestBuy of all places, I found the new Sunn O))) and Boris disc. No drives under 100$ or smaller than 120GB though. Which sucks.
dug through old poetry books, found old bits of myself and other people. i remember reading a song lyric to an old band and them laughing at a line "beat beat freak cheat you beat yourself again boy" because they thought it was a j/o reference, but really I was just counting off Nelly's boyfriends.
Chicken's peck after the moz show was kinda depressing; it really drove home how not in that arena I am. I made a wise choice not moving in w/ her. Oh God, the dramabiotics necessary would have killed us both.
played a show with olde friendes (see previous entry)
seen the new harry potter movie (shut up)
gotten drunk dialed by saltdog again at 4 in the afternoon, who hung up on me while telling his girl "hey you wanna have hogwarts sex? i got my magic wand..."
gone to a morrissey show with laura squirt; despite getting lost (twice) and the long ass drive it was so fucking worth it. They played "please please please let me get what i want" and "the boy with the thorn in his side" and "girlfriend in a coma". also, it was like a guitar-porn orgy up there: gretsch's, tele's (fat and classic), hollowbodies, a firebird (during "how soon is now?"), some custom strat-style thing with a hole in the headstock (maybe alternate tuning system? boz boorer beat the fuck out of it. heard two new songs "all you need is me" and "that's how people grow up" which were great and had a lot of really dry humor.
speaking of the show, i walked in and stood in the aisle for like 2 seconds and got a slap on the arm: it was nelly and savina (and savina's Mr, first i meet him) who I haven't seen in forever and ever (literally: savi now has 2 kids and last i saw her she was preggers with the first. who is now 7 years old. nelly is still crazy. loveable, sweet, still hunched over and a lot more tattoo'd, but crazy as fuck.)
long phone convo and plans to hang tomorrow with litltrublgrl
Best part of the moz show: everyone, absolutely everyone in the audience singing along to "girlfriend in a coma". A sense of maybe not unity but a general "yeah we're all here and having fun". Of course, 30 minutes later the boorish drunks started getting annoying...
So The Blackroom broke up and no more band for me. BUT last night I did in fact play with Bunny & Nestor (who is dating the Good Witch, odd bit of synchronicity) and some chick who I promptly forgot her name; apparently she's primarily a DJ but last night it was 3 laptops and one guitar -- me. Bunny did live video loops, Nestor dropped live ambient and the chick dropped a few loops too. Things to remember: the Dm shape on the mid strings, bending. the walking bassline with the stutter strut. the dub line. the high diads+low drop. I wasn't real happy with the clean guitar sound, wish I hadn't given Eden those pedals before he left (or at least gotten them back...) oh well, what goes around comes around.
Last night was just a birthday party for Nicole (another DJ), but end of month we're doing it again to celebrate the film they got into the festival thing that won something or other. You're invited. Yes, you.
I am in a classroom, at university, it is dark but not in a bad way -- like an overcast day or just late afternoon -- and I have just left one class and come to this one, it is my first day and it is a language class. The prof is a mix between buddy-buddy and piss & vinegar, a younger randall prentis jones perhaps less cynical or less overt about his affected cynicism. this is not said, it's just one of those things you know in dreams, although his manner and how he speaks give some of it away. i like this class very much and afterwards there is some congregation of the students and it starts to feel somewhat like an impromptu party or get together and she's there and a palpable wave of sadness just washes over me, and i am sorry we cannot be friends, that we hurt each other so, and i grieve and i am walking in an outside hallway at an apartment complex, so familiar but i've never been there, and it's my uncle's place but it isn't the real place, just in my dream i know that this is his place and it's by the sea, somewhat like mercy hospital is with a malecon right by there, and it's breezy but not overly, and the water crashes against the rock barrier in a languid almost calm way while i knock on the door and there's a dog, and i have to get something or do something in the apartment and i finish up and walk out and now there's a light forest between the water and the exterior hallway and it's still late afternoon when the twilight starts to cool and darken and she's there and we don't say anything but we're friends again and laughing at something silly and i realize it's a dream and i wake.
Title from Fad Gadget's "I Discover Love", but I can't find that on the web, so you get Fad Gadget's video for "Collapsing New People". I'm kind of surprised that Marylin Manson hasn't covered FG yet.
tracklisting so far: someone you know is one of us lullaby your faithful serpent, hunter / hunter when Medusa saw your heart what the leopard was looking for wilderness of mirrors sioni bod da curio shop malthusian cloud projection