30 September 2005

Red Birds Will Fly Out Of The East And Destroy Paris In A Night

So it was 1999 and I was going to celebrate the new year's eve and new year morning at a ranch in (unbelievably) South Dade -- somewhere in the Redlands, which is like homestead but with less people and further south. I'd gotten into Coil like a week before -- heard some stuff I liked, probably some of the mixes for NIN, and decided to get an album or two. Wound up getting "Musick to play in the dark V1" via mail order even though it wasn't supposed to be available except through the band.

So it's midnight or close enough, I'm at a party that I don't really want to be at, but hey, family's family and you gotta be there. This is so deep in the sticks, there might as well not be a city. I am lying in a quarter-acre yard, staring at the night sky, listening to this song -- except not this version of the song, but the CD mix which is about 5 minutes longer I think. This version comes from the vinyl mix.

Red Birds Will Fly Out Of The East And Destroy Paris In A Night from the vinyl version of Musick To Play In The Dark Volume 1 by Coil

The title comes from one of Nostradamus' prophecies (due for May of 2000, I think -- didn't happen, since Paris is still there.)

Pay your respects to the vultures, for they are your future.

22 September 2005

"A Diamond Hidden In The Mouth Of A Corpse"

Ubuweb has some seriously cool shit, not the least of which is this rough little gem. Sonic Youth, Cabaret Voltaire, Diamanda Galas, Coil, Michael Gira (sans SWANS) and good ol' Wild Bill Burroughs. Fucking ROCK.